SuperMap iMobile 8C(2017) SP1 for Android New Features
Newly added features in history versions
Map Display Engine Optimization
- Support map tilt and rotation and corresponding operation gestures.
- Repair Baidu Map display dislocation problem in OpenGL mode.
- Repair the problem that the industry navigation path visibility setting is Invalid in OpenGL mode.
Enhancements of Map Functions
- Fix the conflict between the locking display range, the setting of the maximum, minimum,and fixed scales.
- Fix the crash due to choosing the thematic map.
- Fix the problem that the Rest service map is slow and some tile are null.
- Fix the problem that the Callout does not display when set to central alignment.
- Fix the the maximum minimum scale failure problem when fixing the visible range of the map.
- Fix the problem that symbols cannot display when new objects created.
- Fix the problem that the effects of full extent, map visible range are different before and after setting map to be visible.
- Fix the display exceptions of the label and point layers when we set minimum visible scale to layer groups and layers.
- Fix the problem that the new workspace object cannot display normally in WGS1984.
Enhancements of Data Collection and Edit
- Repair the rollback failure problem of moving object.
- Fix the problem that small objects are hard to be selected.
- Fix the failure of cancel operation for editing points with labels.
- Fix the problem that the recordset acquired by the edit callback listener is invalid.
- Rollback and redo handling, handling exceptions for number of result nodes during the parallel use of gesture points and hand drawing.
Enhancements of 3D Functions
- Add layered color expression, and support the setting of colors table, isoline, transparency, visible range and other properties. The 3D tile cache (OSGB) layer can express the dynamic submergence effect through layering coloring.
- Add multiple viewport mode for 3D scene. You can achieve comparative browsing effect by setting the visibility of layers in different viewport.
- Add node animation. You can set the model to move along the specified route, controlling its motion state.
- Support BingMaps image layer, and the scene can load BingMaps online image Service.
- Add a global base map to view the underground model by changing the transparency of the base map.
- Add support of setting atmosphere visibility for the scene, which can enhance the real sense of three-dimensional scene via atmosphere simulation.
Enhancements of Data Engine
- Repair the crash problem caused by importing KML (KMZ) format file to the scene.
- Repair the crash problem when importing TIFF format data into raster dataset.
Enhancements of Navigation
- Repair the conflict between navigation path drawing and plot drawing.
Enhancements of License
- Provide free cloud online development license.
Applicable to Android Systems
- Fix the problem that Android 4.0 and lower versions do not support LayerListView.
- Android 7.0 text display adaptability.